Travel Policy
Travel Safe with Security
- Employees are permitted to travel to locations with a standard or acceptable security level, as determined by the security status of the Ship's flag.
- In the event of an emergency that necessitates travel to areas with heightened security risks, additional precautions must be implemented according to the specific situation. At a minimum, these measures include:
Daily communication with authorities, airlines, airports, and agents to receive updates and implement necessary actions.
Regular monitoring and visits to security-related websites or sources for the latest information and guidance.
Minimizing the duration of stay in areas with elevated security concerns.
Airline Safety
- Preferred Airlines - Only book flights with airlines that have a strong safety record.
- Airline Blacklist - Travel on airlines that are flagged or blacklisted by international aviation authorities or the Ship's flag state is prohibited.
- Flight Routes - Only select flight routes that avoid high Risk Areas, conflict zones or regions with known security risks, even if these routes are longer or more expensive.
Travel cybersafe
- Wise use of social media
when talking on line in Company workplace always make it clear that any statements are your own and do not represent the view or values of the Company.
only post online what you would be comfortable saying to people in person or in public.
never disclose to your friend what your enemy should not know.
never use social media as a platform to harm, intimidate insult, threaten, defame or embarrass others.
- Personal Devices
Avoid the use of personal devices for company purposes.
- Cloud use
for data transfer instead of portable devices (USB, memory cards etc).
for routine/daily tasks in order to enhance mobility of the information, reduce the need for backups, as well as to enhance security of information.