
NewsWaves Magazine 21-02  (Apr-Jun 2021)


The fearless ego for success

The 3 pillars and engagement

Herakleitos team with Dostoyevsky to make 2+2=5

The S.H.E.L.L. model

The holy three and Roxana 3x3x3 soft skills model

Our seafarers resilience to covid19

Covid19 FUN 210625

Making compliance commitment workshop MR21-01

Learner mindset workshop MR21-01

IF EffEff communication workshop MR21-01

Remote surveys and e-certificates FUN 210625

Roxana with Marshall Islands and LRS for the remote


Novacohub project FUN 210415

Management Review Meeting 2021-01

Best Practices Mar21-Jun21

QUALSHIP21 award for ROKS Maritime

QUALSHIP21 award for Roxana


Enjoy the reading !

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